Sunday, July 7, 2013


Just when I was whipping along, feeling a writing momentum, I got stalled. First, a Fourth of July preparations for a party at out house. Then pulling weeds, watering new trees, and trimming the bushes. Too many distractions. Not to mention my low energy for the past week. Not to worry. I've gone to see my Herbalist and came home with a bunch of herbs and an eating program that should get me back to my ordinarily energetic self in a hurry. In the meantime, I'm lollygagging around and reading. The Shipping News is keeping me buried on the couch. Something I was never allowed to do in the convent. Spending long periods of time on the couch reading. I savor the privilege now.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes lollygagging and relaxing and venting helps.
